Muddled Ones Inc.

The First Official Muddled Ones, Inc. Survey

The purpose of this survey is to collect information from you regarding our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at

This survey is divided into the following sections:

Fill out the information in each section as requested. Then at the end of the form supply your name and contact information, and submit the form. You will receive a confirmation message from us shortly.

SECTION A -- General ramblings

These are the instructions for filling out this section. These are the instructions for filling out this section.These are the instructions for filling out this section.

  1. Did you enjoy this website? (yes, no)

  3. How many times have you been to this website?

  4. First time2-5 times5-10 times10-20 timesMore than 20 times
  5. We would like to send you our Muddled Ones Times. What is your mailing address?
  6. Name     
    Zip Code 
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SECTION B -- Specific Website ramblings

These are the instructions for filling out this section. These are the instructions for filling out this section. These are the instructions for filling out this section.

  1. How would you rate this website?

  2. Bad Poor Fair Good Excellent
  3. What is your favorite color?

  5. Select the story you are most interested in:

  6. A large Fiasco
    Kosher Pork
    Day of the Flying Street Cleaners

SECTION C -- Interests

These are the instructions for filling out this section. These are the instructions for filling out this section. These are the instructions for filling out this section.
    Which of these choices do you wish to see on the website?

  1. Bobert Biography How Muddled Ones, Inc. began More stories   More poems
    A gift shop      More graphics                Less graphics  More rambling
    Less rambling    An opinion page              The same stuff A complete overhaul
  2. Please enter any additional comments regarding this site:

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We appreciate you taking the time to evaluate and appreciate the survey to the fullest extent

This explains how we plan to use the information you provide to us. We will also explain what benefits you receive from helping us in this way.

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Authored by Andrew Squires
Copyright © 2000 [Muddled Ones, Inc]. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 30, 2000.